In the UK the Roller Shutter garage door market is changing
Within the UK Garage Door industry, it is estimated that Roller Shutter Garage Doors only make up approximately 1/4 of the market, with sectional garage doors making up another 1/4. The most common are Up & Over Garage Doors which equate for nearly half of the garage door market. Here at Emsworth Garage Doors we’re noticing a trend with more and more enquiries being from customers looking for the roller shutter garage door option, and why not. So we wanted to ask the question why is the Roller Shutter garage door market is changing?
Why choose Roller Shutter Garage Doors
There are a number of reasons why this shutter door has become so popular, below are a few of the most significant;
- Roller shutter doors move vertically upwards, meaning that you can park right up to them and maximise use of your driveway.
- Because they move vertically they are able to give a seal to the garage floor, where your typical up & over garage door must leave a gap underneath so that it can swing open.
- They’re insulated!!! Although uninsulated roller doors are common on shop fronts and on industrial buildings, in the UK domestic garage door sector the most common roller shutter door is the insulated version. Constructed of a double skin aluminium shell with an insulation infill, the level of insulation can vary between 5 – 12mm depending on manufacturer and model.
- Space saving – the classic slat rolls up into a 300mm or 1ft box, which means that if you’re the type of person who uses your garage for something other than a car you can maximise your storage space internally.
Choice is greater than ever
the UK Roller Shutter garage door market is changing but SWS still dominanate the UK roller shutter market with their Seceuroglide range of products, there are a number of other companies making moves within the sector. Alluguards Thermaroll range of roller shutters offers a great alternative to the ever popular Seceuroglide and unlike the Seceuroglide it comes police certified “secured by design” as standard, with SWS Seceuroglide you have to upgrade to the Excel version of the door. The Alluguard also uses Somfy motors and the Somfy Rolixo control unit so to the untrained eye there is little to choose between these 2 great roller shutter garage doors.
With other companies starting to produce some other great products watch out for further product launches from Emsworth Garage Doors in the near future.
Competition is bringing down prices and driving up quality
As more and more Garage Door manufacturers produce high quality products, with better specs and things like Secured by design as standard, the guys at the top are forced to act by constantly improving and always monitoring their prices against the competition. The winner here is you, the consumer. Now a days things like Security dominate peoples thoughts and many companies offer police tested and certified products. The colour ranges on offer are also greater than ever with companies offering the customer the chance to colour match any RAL colour. Here in the UK were set for even more advancements as more of Europes top Garage firms target the UK market, bringing with them innovative ideas that are sure to excite the public.
WATCH OUT – there’s a bargain about.
While prices are as competitive as ever, many people still get drawn in by the Roller door at a price that seems too good to be true. Unfortunately it normally is!!!
While there are still companies offering bargain basement prices for rollers to be installed and fitted, these do come with a warning. Many of the cheaper rollers on the market use cheap components and cut some of the most important safety and security aspects out all together. We’ve all heard the horror stories of people who bought a door at an incredible price, only for it to break and the company to have disappeared. Unfortunately this type of malpractice is rife within the Roller Garage Door Sector. Our advice is stick with the known, tested brands and let us advise you on what the best model is for your particular requirement.